Our partner, Dr. Annalisa Plava (University of Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna)), was interviewed by Mister Credit Blog, part of CRIF‘s Cybersecurity Observatory, about the serious consequences of identity theft.
Highlighting her work within the EITHOS project, Dr. Plava discussed the challenges victims face and the need for tools to help them recover.
CRIF Finance Italy is a global leader in credit fraud prevention and operates the Cybersecurity Observatory, a key hub for Italian cyber fraud statistics and insights.
The interview sheds light on the human impact of cybercrime and how EITHOS aims to support those affected. Read the full conversation on Mister Credit Blog for valuable insights on tackling identity theft.
On a practical level, identity theft is a crime that is characterised by the misappropriation of a person’s data and information, which may also include his or her image, videos, and in short a wide range of materials belonging to a real person. The scenarios that can open up on a technical level are varied.
READ THE FULL INTERVIEW https://blog.mistercredit.it/2024/11/furto-di-identita-quali-conseguenze-sulle-vittime/
Mister Credit blog: https://blog.mistercredit.it/