Webinar #1 – Cutting-edge technology for tackling OIDT [Completed]

Last October 12, the EITHOS Consortium held its first webinar for the public, in the presence of more than 50 persons from all over Europe; the occasion to do a quick scan on identity theft concepts, present a victimology perspective, present some cutting-edge technology to tackle OIDT as well as the modern and evolving related threats and inform about real criminal cases.


  1. Identity theft, quick scan of concepts – Kostis Konstantoudakis (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas – CERTH).
  2. OIDT What about the victims – Veronica Moretti (University of Bologna – UNIBO).
  3. Cutting-edge technology for tackling OIDT – Miguel Barbero Alvarez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – UPM).
  4. Modern & evolving OIDT threats – Björn Seeth (Swedish Police Authority – SPA).
  5. Real criminal cases – Loukas Xarogaris (Center for Security Research – KEMEA).

📺 Watch the recording here
📚 Read the presentations here.

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