How to Protect Teenagers from Deepfakes: a Practical 5-Steps Guide to Safeguard their Online Identity

Teenagers deepfake OIDT

Measuring Teenagers’ Knowledge of Deepfakes

How is it possible that teenagers, who spend so much time on social media and the internet, are unaware of what deepfakes are? Many have encountered deepfakes without knowing the term or recognizing them for what they are.

Why have deepfakes impacted society, including teenagers?

Sadly, deepfakes have become a pervasive part of daily life, increasingly targeting personal spheres. For example, a fake video supposedly from France 24 was circulated in Russia to spread false rumors about a threat to President Macron’s life. Another troubling example is the pornographic deepfake involving American singer Taylor Swift. While it might seem like only celebrities are targeted, this is not true. Deepfakes represent a new era of manipulation; whereas before, harming someone’s reputation required access to personal photos or detailed knowledge about them, today, anyone with malicious intent can create and spread deepfakes to hurt others.

How to Protect your Family and your Teenagers from OIDT Attacks


Although terms like OIDT might seem unfamiliar, they are critical to understand. During the pandemic, a webinar highlighted the importance of being aware of internet threats, particularly deepfakes and revenge porn. The presenters revealed that just 30 photos of you posted on social media could be enough for criminals to create a deepfake for malicious purposes. Today, with more sophisticated apps, even fewer images are needed. This is why you should think carefully before posting pictures online. Before choosing to post or not a picture, you should consider the “life” of a picture, a concept familiar to photographers. A single photo can have multiple interpretations, depending on the context. While you might see it as a way to share good times and memories with distant friends, others might use it maliciously. In accord with this, before posting, ask yourself how many different interpretations your photo could have. Imagine how a journalist might frame the photo with various headlines, each giving it a different meaning. Then, only post if you trust your community and are confident that the image won’t compromise your online security. Be aware that your photos could be used to gain access to your personal data by those with bad intentions.

Survey results and young hopes on AI & Deepfakes

In the following section, we will focus on how teenagers perceive deepfakes in their daily lives. The data provided is based on a report by the Milan press in their article “Enquête exclusive Milan – CSA : que pensent les adolescents de l’IA et des deepfakes?” published on May 17.

There is a paradox: even though 8 out of 10 teenagers use social media daily, 79% of the survey respondents indicate that they are not sufficiently informed to protect themselves against deepfakes. This underscores the importance of efforts like those by Eithos, and if you’ve read this far, we encourage you to share this article.

Fortunately, the survey conducted by the Milan press shows that teenagers are aware of their limited knowledge on this topic. In fact, 82% of the respondents are asking for clear regulations on AI, considering it a threat to personal data and online reputation. Additionally, 73% are worried that this technology can affect or distort the truthfulness of information being spread.

How to shape effective prevention strategies to enhance awareness and response in Society

To advance this effort and help both teenagers and adults enhance their awareness, we need to increase our engagement on this matter. A wide range of activities can be organized for all age groups, from schools to universities, and even for people in retirement. This is essential because we don’t stay young forever, and the rapid pace of technological development is unlikely to slow down.
A society that remains informed and adaptable is better equipped to handle and prevent future threats. Additionally, the more aware society is of its technological capabilities, the more effectively and responsibly it can apply these technologies. By fostering awareness and understanding across all age groups, we can ensure a more resilient and knowledgeable community ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Related links

Intelligence artificielle : 38% des adolescents considèrent les deepfakes comme “plutôt effrayants”, selon une étude, Radio France, 23-05-2024

Enquête exclusive Milan – CSA : que pensent les adolescents de l’IA et des deepfakes ?, Milan Presse, 17 Mai 2024

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