Better understanding communication patterns in the current digitalized world has become one of the priorities of entities dealing with public safety and security. While information is nowadays available in real-time, the risks related to communication are also increasing such as the spread of fake information. This topic was also tackled during the first day by PSCE (Public Safety Communication Europe) at its biannual conference that took place 10th – 11th May in Lavrion, Greece.
The first thematic of the event focused on the impact of fake information for public security. Three speakers shared their technical experience in this area, Kostis Kostandoukais from the Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas (CERTH) presenting what deepfakes are and what is currently been done to support their detection, Aggeliki Panagopoulou and Georgiu Nikolaos from the Hellenic Police Cybercrime Unit providing an overview of the current cybercrime trends and challenges in Greece and Richard Tenney from the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) presenting on strengthening preparedness mechanisms against cyber attacks. The session concluded with a panel discussion chaired by David Lund, board member of PSCE.
All material from the event will be available on the PSCE website.